Made collaboration with March Ensemble in 2023. March Ensemble is an international community based effort to make art during the month of March. Find more at https://www.marchensemble.com
When I got this prompt I wrote a very serious poem, about how we are sparks on an island in an endless void. I definitely believe that to be true, but it doesn’t have to be so grim. Yeah, we’re on a tiny rock for a short time, probably alone, in an incomprehensibly vast universe. But that is beautiful.
Whenever I am about to make something new I have the urge to make it so serious. For whatever reason it is hard for me to make something lighthearted.
Something that has been freeing over the past year is envisioning new ways to create, with less pressure.
Just out here vibing.
Trying to be in THAT place, whatever it looks like.
Whatever it feels like.
Sparks on an island lol

Made collaboration with March Ensemble in 2022. March Ensemble is an international community based effort to make art during the month of March. Find more at https://www.marchensemble.com.
I was in grad school around this time in 2020. COVID was in the news but it hadn’t begun to spread in a big way in the States yet. My spring break was extended by a week, and I thought that this whole thing would blow over in like a month. I remember thinking that I hope this doesn’t effect my thesis show. Everything shifted then. I’ve called pre-March 2020 “the before times,” but thinking about everything that has changed in the past two years this joke feels pretty real.
Yesterday I found myself driving to my hometown, where I had fled to two years ago. I took a road that I had been down perhaps 100 times since I was a kid. The wind was cold, but the dirt was thawing and I could see the grass.

Made collaboration with March Ensemble in 2021. March Ensemble is an international community based effort to make art during the month of March. Find more at https://www.marchensemble.com.
Originally I had planned to record evidence of the coming spring. Upon receiving the prompt I instead decided to try to photograph the remnants of winter. I momentarily photographed objects that could outlast humanity, concrete barriers and plastic litter. I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do until I found a pin on my GPS. I had no memory of putting it there and decided to revisit it to see what I could find.
Upon arriving I remembered this place, a two lane bridge over the the Androscoggin River in Mechanics Falls. I was last there in 2018 making a video under the bridge. I originally imagined that this work would enable some kind of bold proclamation regarding our perception of time and what that means for us. All of that seemed to fall away when I arrived. It was comforting to sit in silent conversation with myself, separated by 3 years, listening to the water, the birds and the cars driving above me.
Often it is the small, tender moments that become most significant. Hold them.